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The Pinbox Project.


What is the pinbox Project?

The pinball project is where we had to design and edit an existing pinball machine using 3D models, coding, and painting.


.Final Reflection.

.Final Reflection.

    I worked on the 3d models and ramps. I excelled with my 3d models and their designs while struggling with size. The science/math aspect I had trouble with as I had a lot of trouble with the slope and creating and sizing all models to good sizes. The iteration process was really easy as my team all agreed almost instantaneously. I disliked the rapid prototyping as I have shaky hands making it hard to rapid prototype. Rapid prototyping was also hard because the 3d printers took forever to print out any of my models.

    For the art aspect, I completely met all my expectations, but, if I was actually creating this for someone, I believe I wouldn’t have met their timing expectations as our project is not yet fully complete. But, I believe that my final products are nicely designed and are reproducible. For this project, the only tools I used were an Exacto Knife, a Dremel, a 3D printer, Tinkercad, and my hands. I had to learn how to create 3D models quickly while also being patient, which is not my strongest trait. This project relates to the real world because we had time constraints and a final project that needed to be finished.

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